Thursday, July 26, 2007

Good news for once. Get over it.

I just have to express my gratitude to, well, to ME. I love that I have chosen to live in a rural area, and do you want to know WHY? Do ya, punk? I'll tell you why. Do you know what I was wearing when I took the dogs out this morning? I was wearing R's t-shirt with the sleeves cut off and underwear. HA! Now, said t-shirt is old and holey and the holes where the sleeves once were hang down to my waist. Granted, the panties could be mistaken as slut shorts from afar, but they were panties just the same!
I didn't have to worry about anyone seeing me or anything. There's the neighbors across the street, but they were still sleeping so there! It was the most gorgarific morning EVER and I thoroughly enjoyed the hell out of it, too!

Yay, YAY, more good news! My cousin is prego AGAIN!! I'm really hoping that she lets me take pictures of her little belly once it comes in! She would make the perfect subject. She loves my art and will do pretty much anything I ask her to do as far as posing goes! SPLENDORIFIC!! I can't wait!! (ewww, wait that last sentence sounded a bit pornographic. That is not the case.) We should make her fiancee a calendar for a wedding gift. He'd love that shit! YES!! I'm calling her!

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