Monday, July 30, 2007

Can I just say one thing..............?


I am not, no matter what anyone told you, a skanky whore. Get it straight....NOT...SKANKY...WHORE! However, there are four random people (that I KNOW of) who now believe, understandably, that I am. And, it is all the fault of STUPID alltel. Ok, so here's the deal...when my husband is doing stuff with his friends, I find it hilarious to batter him with dirty text messages and see his reaction. LOVE. IT. Very funny, I'd suggest that you try it sometime, but FORTHELOVEOFGOD DON'T. See I was sending the aforementioned dirty texts to him this weekend and I got a dirty text back. Sounds ok, right? WELL, IT'S NOT. You see, the text that I recieved back WAS NOT from my husband. It was from a number that I'd never seen before. I immediately thought it was one of the card playing friends fucking with me. I stormed out there and proceeded to tear into the only friend with a cell phone. Yeah, his phone was DEAD. So, at this point I had received 3 texts, from 2 people who were not my husband, and confirmed that this was not, in fact, some sick sad joke. I immediately handed the phone to my husband and listened to him tear the living assholes out of 2 guys that had replied to me. I was irate. I-RATE! My message had gone to 4 people, my husband and 3 poor unsuspecting bystanders. Bystanders whom, I might add, now think I'm a raging slut.

That's all. Fuck Alltel, with a big rubber dick.

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